Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Record of claims against merchants providing poor goods or services

I welcome anyone who has filed a Small Claims claim to send to me scanned copies of the court documents so that this blog will highlight consumer's claims.

Better still, if you have won your case, send me scanned copies of the court decision and I will publicize it.

Please note that if you send fake copies, then the other party will have legal remedies against you. You will also expose yourself to criminal punishment.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Suggestion - read the contract

Do we need more regulation of spas or other service providers? Perhaps. But part of the problem lies with customers not reading the contract.

But contracts are so complicated, you cry. Yes, but you are the one with the power of the dollar. As the recent minibond scandal has shown, sign documents without reading them at your peril. If any service provider uses contracts that are too complicated, do not sign them. If the staff makes any promises to you, write down on both copies of the contract that you are signing (on your copy and the company's copy). This is not 100% protection but at least there is some written record of the promises made to you. Spa contracts often involve thousands of dollars in fees so surely you can spare a few minutes to read the contract and question the staff if anything is unclear.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Clemen Chiang Appeal to be heard on 26 November 2009

Options trader and lecturer Clemen Chiang will be have his appeal against the decision of the Small Claims Tribunal heard in the High Court on 26 November 2009. He will successfully sued by his former students for misrepresentation over his doctorate in options trading which actually awarded by an unaccredited US university.

The name of the case is Freely Pte Ltd v Ong Kaili. Freely Pte Ltd is Chiang's company and is represented by Senior Counsel Giam Chin Toon. The case will be heard in Court 6D.

It is understood that Clemen Chiang is now running a successful website covering women's cosmetics.